Sunday, July 19, 2009

NBA Chess

Esse foi um dos comerciais dos playoffs da NBA divulgados na rede TNT, com a participação dos astros de basquete profissional americano. Divirtam-se.

(abaixo o texto em inglês:
"The first move requires no pieces. It is the look into the eyes of your opponent. The iron gaze of a warrior. The frozen stare of a man possessed. The piercing glare of a champion.

Feel his years. A lifetime of hunger and hope trifles and triumphs. Search his heart for fear. Show him none in return.

No single piece can win a match. Combine several, move them in constant, and behold a synchronized symphony of force. Push forward. Attack. Retreat. Or is it a trick? A ruse to draw out the opposition.

Be watchful as one avenue closes another opens. Employ tactics and advance your aims while perplexing your rival. Be mindful of time but do not grant a clock authority of your reason.

Defend with vigor. A skilled advisory is beatable when his movements are restricted and his patterns are exposed. Tension grinds at the nerves. Emotion can weigh a man down or lift him in the air!

This is a game of kings! It is ballet of the brave. Choreographed on a wooden slab. Promise your foe one thing; doom. Accept only ultimate glory as your prize. Know that winning and losing are black and white. Master this game and you will make the final move.

After all have fallen you will stand alone, crown intact."

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